
Kronen Prime Blueprint

Price: 5 platinum | Trading Volume: 47 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Kronen Prime Blueprint.

Kronen Prime - WARFRAME Wiki

The Kronen Prime is the Prime version of the Kronen tonfas, acting as a direct upgrade. Kronen Prime was released along with Zephyr Prime and Tiberon Prime.

Warframe Kronen Prime Builds

Ancient blades, perfected for today's combat.

Kronen Prime Set

Price: 100 platinum | Trading Volume: 131 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Kronen Prime Set.

皇家拐刃PRIME 無紫卡

Kronen Prime Riven. +100% Critical Chance (x2 for Heavy Attacks). +55.3% Critical Damage. MR 14. ↻33.. +161.9%. 8.

Conclave:Kronen Prime - WARFRAME Wiki

The Kronen Prime is the second of DE's Community Melee Weapons Contest designs, which are comprised of fan-submitted weapons, to receive a Prime version.

Kronen Prime - 非官方WARFRAME中文维基

WARFRAME玩家:ZTKenan(小号:J_sz)(贴吧昵称:ji_vuvd 贴吧id:163Kenan 本站id:ZTKenan bilibili用户名:季-术宅QQ:1579322439)利用本站内容撰写非法出版物并申请正文 ...

Kronen Prime. Why exactly?

2021年4月7日 — Moderately high balanced crit and status stats. Primarily slash based, so viable for a Blood Rush + Weeping Wounds + Condition Overload bleed ...


